Buloke art galleries and exhibitions

The Buloke Region in Victoria is a hub for art galleries and cultural attractions that celebrate local art, history, and heritage. Among the notable venues in the area are the Silent Art Auction in Sea Lake, featuring a diverse range of images, and the Charlton Golden Grains Museum housed in the former Mechanics Institute building, exhibiting over 3,000 artifacts and photographs from the Charlton district's history.

Additionally, visitors can enjoy the captivating Silo Art in Nullawil and Sea Lake, showcasing artwork by renowned artists, and explore the 'Three Walls' mural art in Charlton, adding vibrancy to the town. The Wimmera Mallee Silo Art Trail offers a journey through beautiful silo art created by local talents, while the St Arnaud Railway Station Community Art Gallery, located in the historic railway station, showcases works by local artists, many of whom are from the surrounding area.

Buloke  art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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