Canterbury art galleries and exhibitions

Ravenscar House Museum in Christchurch is the new home for Jim and Susan Wakefield's art collection, featuring works by renowned New Zealand artists in a tranquil domestic setting. Designed by Patterson Associates Architects, the building has received recognition as the best new cultural building at the World Architecture Festival 2023. Guided tours starting from November 15, 2023, offer insights into the stories behind the beautiful artworks on display.

Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū houses a significant public art collection in New Zealand, showcasing diverse exhibitions by both old masters and modern artists. Operating daily from 10 am to 5 pm with late-night openings on Wednesdays, the gallery hosts special events like the UV light installation "Aho Marama Strings of Light" and the storytelling exhibition "Out of Time."

Christchurch boasts a vibrant art scene with several galleries spread across the city. Notable galleries include Centre of Contemporary Art CoCA Christchurch, Art Box Gallery, Chambers Art Gallery, Ilam Campus Gallery, City Art Depot, and The Little River Gallery in Little River on the way to Akaroa. These venues exhibit various art forms such as painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, pottery, and installations, providing visitors with a rich cultural experience through diverse exhibitions and events.

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Canterbury art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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