Central Desert art galleries and exhibitions

The Central Desert Region in the Northern Territory is home to several art galleries that showcase the rich culture and talent of local artists. Some of the notable art galleries in the area include: The gallery is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and offers free admission. Araluen Arts Centre, situated in Alice Springs, is one of the most remote regional galleries in Australia. It houses the Araluen Collection, featuring over 1,100 artworks reflecting the vitality and variety of works from the region.

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT), located in Darwin, is the Territory's flagship museum and art gallery, hosting a range of exhibitions and events, including the annual Desert Mob exhibition. Nomad Art, a Darwin-based gallery, specializes in limited edition prints and works on paper by artists from the region, focusing on contemporary art by emerging artists as well as traditional and modern indigenous art.

Stockyard Gallery, located in the town of Mataranka outside Katherine, is a small local gallery specializing in local art and artifacts reflecting the rich past of the area. Iltja Ntjarra (Many Hands) Art Centre, in Alice Springs, offers artists in residence programs, allowing visitors to observe artists at work and learn about their creative process. These galleries provide a unique opportunity to explore the diverse and vibrant art scene of the Central Desert Region, from traditional Indigenous art to contemporary works by emerging artists.