Devonport art galleries and exhibitions

The Devonport region in Tasmania is known for its various art galleries that exhibit a wide range of art, craft, and design. The must-visit galleries in the area include the Devonport Regional Gallery, located in the paranaple arts centre, which offers a vibrant contemporary art space with an annual program of exhibitions, events, and workshops. The gallery collects and promotes Tasmanian art, craft, and design, as well as manages the impressive Robinson Collection of photographic negatives.

Another notable gallery is the Burnie Regional Art Gallery, which houses one of the finest collections in Tasmania of Australian contemporary art. It showcases ongoing exhibitions and displays works by leading Tasmanian artists in its two gallery spaces. Tranquilles Art Gallery, situated near Devonport, features exhibitions by leading Tasmanian artists, displayed in two gallery spaces, the reception area, and the walls of the property’s Quills Cafe.

Additionally, the Blue Gum Gallery specializes in Tasmanian timbers, offering a variety of items such as jewelry boxes, chests, clocks, pens, and lavender products. These galleries provide an excellent opportunity to immerse oneself in the rich artistic culture of the Devonport region and appreciate the works of both local and international artists.

Devonport art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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