Grant art galleries and exhibitions

When traveling in the Grant Region, South Australia, art enthusiasts should consider visiting the following art galleries in Adelaide. The Art Gallery of South Australia, located on North Terrace, houses one of the largest art collections in the country, with nearly 45,000 pieces from around the world, spanning over 2,000 years. The gallery features a diverse range of artworks, from contemporary installations to historical pieces, and it also hosts the annual Tarnanthi exhibition, a celebration of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. Another notable gallery is the ACE Open, also situated on North Terrace, which showcases contemporary art and is known for its thought-provoking exhibitions, making it a must-visit for those interested in modern art. The museum is part of the University of South Australia and is known for its dynamic and engaging exhibitions. These art galleries offer a rich and diverse cultural experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant art scene of Adelaide and the wider Grant Region.

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