Frankland River art galleries and exhibitions

When visiting the Frankland River Surrounds in Western Australia, art enthusiasts can explore a thriving arts community with a rich historical past. The region offers a variety of art galleries and boutiques showcasing unique art exhibitions and a diverse range of artistic expressions. The Margaret River Region, known for its natural beauty, also houses numerous artist galleries representing works from ceramicists to photographers, providing a year-round display of local and international artistic talent.

In the nearby city of Perth, art lovers can explore a vibrant art scene with a wide range of galleries to visit. The Art Gallery of Western Australia, located in the heart of the Perth Cultural Centre, houses the State Art Collection with works from renowned local and international artists. The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about Western Australian art and explore contemporary art through its various exhibitions and workshops. Other notable galleries in Perth include the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA), Linton & Kay, and Holmes à Court Gallery, each offering a distinct and diverse art experience.

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