Gympie art galleries and exhibitions

Gympie, located in Queensland, offers a rich artistic experience for travelers and art enthusiasts. The Gympie Regional Art Gallery, built in 1905, hosts major national traveling exhibitions and locally curated shows that highlight the region's heritage and talent. The gallery also offers workshops, events, and talks throughout the year. In addition to the art gallery, Gympie is surrounded by various art studios that showcase the talents of local artists and artisans.

Some key stops on the Gympie Region Studio Trails include: PK Steel Creations, Art from the Heart, JungleRoom Art Studio, Hibiscus House Gallery, Uniqueartz Studio, and Jan Lawnikanis' Studio. These are just a few examples of the artistic experiences available in Gympie and its surrounds. The Gympie Region Studio Trails run over four weekends, allowing visitors to plan their own itinerary and explore the studios of over 40 artists at their own pace. For more information about gallery exhibitions, workshops, and programs, visit or call 5481 0733.

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