Horsham art galleries and exhibitions

The Horsham Regional Art Gallery in Horsham, Victoria, is a prominent attraction known for its diverse creative works and displays. Housed in an elegant art deco building, the gallery has recently undergone refurbishment, making it a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts. It is home to the Australian Photography Collection, featuring works by renowned artists such as Pat Brassington, Bill Henson, and Fiona Foley. Additionally, the gallery showcases small collections of sculptures and ceramics, as well as the Bill and Maureen Mann Collection, which boasts over four complete works and sketches.

The Horsham Regional Art Gallery hosts various events and activities, including the Art Club for adults, meet the artists sessions, art club juniors for kids, and school programs for locals. Visitors can find parking near the gallery in the surrounding streets, with 1-2 hour spots available, or opt for all-day parking at Horsham Plaza via Park Drive.

Other art galleries in the Horsham surrounds include the MOCO Gallery at Grampians Adventure Golf in Halls Gap, showcasing works by renowned artists from the Grampians region, and the St Arnaud Community Art Gallery located in the old heritage-listed railway station, featuring works by local artists. Additionally, the Silo Art Trail project brings together internationally recognized street artists to create murals on Victoria's wheat silos, capturing the imagination of the town and inspiring visitors.

Horsham art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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