Kempsey art galleries and exhibitions

The Kempsey region in New South Wales is home to several art galleries that showcase a diverse range of artworks and provide a vibrant cultural experience. Some notable galleries in the area include: Dunghutti-Ngaku Aboriginal Art Gallery, dedicated to showcasing and marketing the works of prominent, established, and emerging Aboriginal artists from the Dunghutti region and Mid North Coast area. Housed in the annex of the Kempsey Visitor, the gallery is a not-for-profit venue operating with support from the Commonwealth government and is open to the public seven days a week.

Kempsey Art Gallery, located on Elbow Street, is a vibrant cultural hub featuring the works of local and regional artists. The gallery hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year, including the annual Kempsey Art Prize. Administered and staffed by volunteers under a 355 agreement with the Kempsey Shire, the gallery contributes to the cultural richness of the region. Visitors can time their visit to coincide with the Gladstone Quality Markets, held on the third Sunday of the month, to experience this picturesque village at its best.

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