Latrobe art galleries and exhibitions

Latrobe, Victoria, is home to two notable art galleries that showcase contemporary art and historic works: the Latrobe Regional Gallery and the La Trobe Art Institute. The Latrobe Regional Gallery, established in 1971, is one of the largest public galleries in eastern Victoria. Featuring seven gallery spaces and a changing exhibition program, the gallery presents a blend of unique local curated exhibitions and artworks from its collection. Proudly owned and operated by the Latrobe City Council, the gallery is located on the traditional land of the Brayakaulung people.

The La Trobe Art Institute offers displays, public art commissions, and events across the university's Victorian campuses. At its Bendigo base, the institute presents curated exhibitions, provides residencies, and serves as a social space for the wider community. Both galleries contribute to the thriving art and culture scene in Victoria, offering visitors a diverse range of artistic experiences and a chance to discover the works of renowned local artists.

Latrobe art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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