Mildura art galleries and exhibitions

The Mildura region in Victoria boasts several art galleries that display a wide range of artworks and exhibitions. Mildura Arts Centre stands out as the primary arts and culture hub of North West Victoria, encompassing a regional art gallery, performing arts theatre, Rio Vista Historic House, Sculpture Park, and a café bar. With five exhibition spaces, the gallery presents a mix of temporary displays, pieces from its collection, works by local and visiting contemporary artists, and touring exhibitions. Visitors can purchase souvenir cards featuring the artists' work for a small fee right at the gallery. Additionally, The Art Vault is another prominent gallery in the region, showcasing a diverse collection of artworks and hosting various exhibitions.

These galleries offer an enriching cultural experience to visitors of the Mildura region, providing an opportunity to explore and appreciate art in its various forms and styles.

Mildura art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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