Mount Gambier art galleries and exhibitions

Mount Gambier, in South Australia, is home to several impressive art galleries that showcase local and regional talent. One notable gallery is the Little Blue Wren Gifts & Art, a family-run business dedicated to promoting local artists and their work. Another prominent art gallery in Mount Gambier is the Riddoch Art Gallery, the largest regional gallery in South Australia. Established in 1887, the gallery has a collection of over 1500 items, including important paintings, prints, and a significant collection of Aboriginal art from Utopia.

The Main Corner Complex is another significant cultural venue in Mount Gambier, housing various educational and entertainment venues, including the Riddoch Art Gallery. The complex also features a sound and light display at night and offers free film screenings to learn about Mount Gambier. Lastly, the Millicent Civic and Arts Centre is worth a visit for its world-class art exhibitions. The center is part of the Millicent National Trust Museum, considered among South Australia's best museums, which showcases the stories of Millicent times through beautifully restored buggies, carriages, and horse-drawn wagons.

Mount Gambier art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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