Peel art galleries and exhibitions

Peel, Western Australia, is home to the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA), a cultural center that showcases the region's heritage and artistic works. PAMA's museum collection comprises approximately 12,000 artifacts, representing Peel's history from 4000 BCE to the 21st century. The art gallery features a diverse lineup of exhibitions, with approximately eight shows per year, showcasing artists of regional, provincial, and national stature.

Throughout the year, PAMA offers a variety of workshops and programs for all ages, including students, families, adults, and seniors. It is located in Brampton, across from City Hall and Gage Park. Visitors can explore the museum exhibits and tour the 1867 Courthouse and County Jail, all while enjoying the artwork of national and international artists in the gallery. With its rich blend of historical, artistic, and cultural experiences, PAMA is a significant destination for tourists and locals alike.

Peel art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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