Riverina art galleries and exhibitions

The Riverina region in New South Wales boasts a variety of art galleries showcasing diverse art styles and collections. Wagga Wagga Art Gallery hosts touring shows and locally developed exhibitions, including the National Art Glass Gallery. The Museum of the Riverina offers traveling exhibitions with various themes throughout the year.

Strayleaves Art Studio, set in a rural location, displays original artworks such as drawings, paintings, and printmaking. Paper Pear, managed by artist Stephanie Day, features handmade greeting cards, paintings, and art workshops. Wrenwood Gallery in Bungowannah showcases landscape paintings by talented artists.

These galleries collectively provide a unique insight into the region's artistic heritage, offering visitors the opportunity to explore and appreciate a diverse range of art while supporting local and national artists. Wagga Wagga Art Gallery specifically aims to inspire a vibrant, innovative, and diverse Riverina arts culture, engaging with both local and global communities.

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