Tennant Creek Region art galleries and exhibitions

In the Tennant Creek Region of Northern Territory, the Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Culture Centre is the focal point of the Barkly region's art and cultural scene. The center's permanent collection showcases a diverse range of styles from local artists, including paintings, dioramas, and artifacts.

The Artists of the Barkly Collective represents over fifty Aboriginal artists living in five remote communities across the Barkly region, including Mungkarta, Kulumindini, Owairtilla, Tennant Creek, and Wutunugurra. The collective includes seven language groups: Alyawarr, Kaytetye, Mudburra, Jingili, Waramungu, Warlpiri, and Warlmanpa. The Artists of the Barkly employ contemporary mediums to celebrate and preserve ancient cultures and traditions.

Barkly Regional Arts is a not-for-profit multi-disciplinary art center based on Waramungu Country that facilitates the Artists of the Barkly Collective. From their visual arts and music studios in the heart of Tennant Creek, they reach out to remote communities, producing art, music, and events that tell the stories of the Barkly.

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