Clovelly attractions

Clovelly, New South Wales, has a range of attractions to enjoy. One of the main highlights is Clovelly Beach, a small and tranquil beach with concrete platforms, promenades, and a saltwater pool. It's perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling, with excellent underwater visibility and safety for children. The beach also has the Sea Salt Cafe for refreshments.

In addition to the beach, Clovelly offers other activities like the Clovelly Outdoor Gym, popular among fitness enthusiasts. Visitors can also explore the Clovelly Bowling and Recreation Club or relax at Massage by the Sea or the Yummy Mummy Day Spa Sydney.

For outdoor adventures, the Gordons Bay Underwater Nature Trail is easily accessible from Clovelly. This 620-meter underwater trail takes divers around reefs, sand flats, and kelp forests, providing a unique experience for nature enthusiasts.