Cooleman attractions

Coolamon, New South Wales, is a charming destination that offers a blend of historic and cultural attractions. The town is home to notable sites such as the Coolamon Fire Museum, the Up-to-Date Store, the Rustic Rose Gallery, the Pak Gallery, and the Coolamon Cheese Factory. Coolamon Heritage Tours provide a comprehensive experience for those interested in the town's history, incorporating the historical streetscape and other local sights. The main street of Coolamon is adorned with heritage buildings that now house antique stores and pubs, adding to the town's old-world charm. Visitors can also explore the Coolaman Canola Trail, which immerses them in the picturesque countryside and vibrant yellow canola fields. Nature enthusiasts have the option to visit the Kindra State Forest or the Cooleman Mountain campground in the nearby Kosciuszko National Park, where they can engage in outdoor activities like walking, mountain biking, and exploring caves and waterfalls.