Dorrigo Mountain tourist attractions

Dorrigo Mountain in New South Wales has a range of attractions for nature enthusiasts. The Dorrigo National Park is a major draw, offering ancient rainforests, pristine waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. The park features various walking trails, including the Satinbird Stroll and the challenging Wonga Walk. Visitors can also enjoy the Skywalk Lookout with its panoramic views and the opportunity to walk behind the Crystal Shower Falls.

For those seeking adventure, Dorrigo provides the chance to explore the wilds of New England National Park and climb Cathedral Rock for a stunning sunset experience. The area is known for its breathtaking waterfalls, such as Dangar Falls and the picturesque Griffith Lookout, which are perfect for capturing the sunset. Wildlife enthusiasts can encounter adorable pademelons and explore the glow worm colony.

Furthermore, Dorrigo is an ideal base for exploring the Waterfall Way, a scenic drive that passes by a series of stunning waterfalls. It is also a great starting point for venturing into nearby national parks, making it a dream destination for outdoor lovers.

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