Highett attractions

Highett, a vibrant suburb in Victoria, Australia, offers a range of attractions suitable for various interests. For those interested in the area's history, the Highett History Group provides guided tours and exhibitions showcasing the rich heritage of the area, offering insights into its development over the years. The precinct abounds with culturally significant buildings such as the Robert O'Hara Burke Memorial Museum, Telegraph Station, and Powder Magazine, which are worth exploring for a deeper understanding of the area's heritage.

Highett also hosts various events throughout the year, including food festivals, music concerts, and community gatherings, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the lively local atmosphere. Furthermore, the suburb's central location provides easy access to other popular attractions in the region, such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Brighton Beach Bathing Boxes, and the Melbourne CBD, making it an ideal base for day trips and sightseeing adventures.