Macquarie Pass attractions

Macquarie Pass, located in New South Wales, offers a range of attractions for nature enthusiasts. The Macquarie Pass National Park is known for its diverse habitats and wildlife, including lyrebirds, koalas, and platypus. The park features two main walks: the Cascades Rainforest Walk, a 2 km trail leading to waterfalls and lush rainforest, and the Clover Hill Walk, a longer trail leading to Rainbow Falls and other smaller falls upstream on the Macquarie Rivulet. Additionally, the park provides opportunities for bushwalking, birdwatching, and picnicking, with facilities such as barbecues and picnic areas available.

Visitors can enjoy the spectacular scenery of the park, including panoramic views from various lookouts and the sight of waterfalls plunging over the Cascades. The area is also known for its swimming spots, making it a great destination for those looking to cool off in the water. Furthermore, the park's management tracks are suitable for bicycle riding, adding to the recreational options available to visitors.