Mount Schank attractions

Mount Schank, located in South Australia, offers a unique and captivating experience for visitors. One of the main attractions is the Volcano Walk, a 2km walk around the dormant volcano crater's rim, providing sensational views of Mount Gambier and the surrounding areas. The area is a state heritage site and is slightly older than Mount Gambier, representing one of the most recent volcanic activities in Australia.

Mount Schank is a dormant volcanic crater that erupted about 5000 years ago, and it is a rare example of recent volcanic activity in South Australia. The cone-shaped form of Mount Schank rises approximately 100 meters above the flat coastal plain, offering incredible views of the countryside. Visitors can challenge themselves with a steep 900m uphill trek to the crater rim, where they can rest and admire the panoramic views of the coast and country. The journey to the bottom of the crater is well-marked and signposted, with numerous information boards along the walking trail providing insights into the history and walking trails of Mount Schank.

In addition to the volcanic attractions, the nearby Little Blue Lake is a popular venue for swimming and cave diving. The lake, located between Mount Schank and Mount Gambier, offers a naturally cool swim in a beautiful water-filled sinkhole. Stairs and a floating pontoon have been installed to improve public safety and access to the water's edge, making it a unique and refreshing experience for visitors.