Pukatja & Ernabella attractions

Pukatja, also known as Ernabella, is an Aboriginal community located in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in South Australia. One of the prominent attractions in Pukatja is the Ernabella Arts, which was established in 1948 and is Australia's oldest continuously running Indigenous Art Centre. The center is known for its rich history, ancient culture, and the unique art pieces created by the local artists. Initially, the craft products were hand-loomed woven fabrics and hand-pulled and knotted floor rugs with a unique pattern known as 'the Ernabella walka' or anapalayaku walka. In recent years, the artists have transitioned to depicting their Tjukurpa, which are the sacred stories of the country and law, making the center a hub of culturally strong contemporary art.

Visitors to Pukatja can delve into the creative heart of Indigenous Australia by visiting the Ernabella Arts center, where they can witness the unique art pieces and, by special arrangement, meet the artists to gain insight into their techniques and the stories behind their artwork. This experience offers a glimpse into the vibrant and evolving art scene in the remote Pukatja community, providing a deeper understanding of the local culture and traditions.