Ravenshoe attractions

Nestled in the heart of the Tablelands Region in Queensland, Australia, Ravenshoe is a picturesque town that offers a refreshing escape from the heat and humidity of the coast. As the highest town in Queensland at 920 meters above sea level, it boasts a rich history and an abundance of natural beauty, making it a captivating destination for unforgettable adventures.

The top attractions in Ravenshoe include: Millstream Falls National Park, home to the widest waterfall in Australia, surrounded by lush rainforest; Ravenshoe Visitor Centre, featuring displays about the history and wildlife of the district, as well as the Nganyaji Interpretive Centre, which explores the rich culture of the Aboriginal Jirrbal rainforest people; Windy Hill Wind Farm Viewing Area, providing a unique opportunity to witness the impressive wind farm and enjoy the surrounding scenic beauty; and Tully Falls National Park, offering the chance to explore stunning natural landscapes and appreciate the beauty of the Tully Falls.

In addition to these attractions, Ravenshoe's isolation in the southwestern part of the upper Tablelands, its lush region of mountain pastures, and unspoiled World Heritage rainforest make it a charming destination for tourists. The town's rich history, including its heritage of timber extraction and the remnants of its "hippie" past, adds to its unique appeal. The area's mild temperature, typically ranging between 9°C and 28°C annually, further enhances its allure for those seeking a tranquil and scenic retreat.