Sandy Point attractions

Sandy Point, Victoria, is a scenic destination that offers a variety of natural and recreational attractions. It is located at the northern end of Wilsons Promontory National Park, making it an ideal base for exploring the area's beauty. The Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, which stretches along the coast from Venus Bay to Waratah Bay, is a highlight with its sandy beaches and coastal bushland. Visitors can enjoy fishing, boating, and bushwalking in this park. The Sandy Point Art Gallery, located within the park, showcases watercolor and oil paintings by a resident artist. Additionally, the sheltered waters of Shallow Inlet, nestled between Waratah Bay and Wilsons Promontory, provide a peaceful setting for water-based activities.

Sandy Point itself is a small coastal community with a commercial center that includes a cafe, general store, and mini-golf facility. The town's beaches, which face Waratah Bay, are popular for swimming and surfing and are supported by the local surf life-saving club. The majority of residences in the area are holiday houses and apartments, making it primarily a holiday retreat town. The beaches in Sandy Point offer wide expanses of sand and provide a picturesque backdrop of mountain peaks along Wilsons Promontory's west coast.