St Arnaud attractions

St Arnaud, a charming town in Victoria, offers a variety of attractions for visitors to explore. One of the top attractions is the Queen Mary Botanic Gardens, a stunning landscaped garden with a rich history dating back to the gold mining era. The gardens feature beautiful flora and cast-iron lacework verandas, providing a serene setting for a leisurely stroll. Pioneer Park is another must-visit, offering manicured gardens and a glimpse into the town's history through its well-preserved architecture and cultural heritage trail. Additionally, the town is home to the unique Bible Museum, which showcases a collection of over 2,000 Bibles and related artifacts, offering an intriguing cultural experience.

For nature enthusiasts, the Wax Garden Conservation Reserve and the nearby St Arnaud Regional Park provide opportunities to spot native wildlife, admire vibrant spring wildflowers, and engage in outdoor activities such as camping and fishing at the Teddington Reservoir. The town's rich gold-rush history is reflected in its grand buildings, making it a fascinating destination for history buffs. Visitors can also explore the St Arnaud Rail Station - Raillery Hub, housed in a heritage-listed railway station built in 1878, which now serves as a community art gallery featuring regular exhibitions by local artists.

In addition to its historical and natural attractions, St Arnaud offers a vibrant local culture, with lively historic pubs where visitors can savor a taste of the town's hospitality. The town's annual festival in November is a great opportunity to celebrate its rich history and immerse in the local community's traditions.