Telegraph Point attractions

Telegraph Point, located on the Pacific Highway, 15 minutes north of Port Macquarie, offers a variety of attractions suitable for different interests. The Wilson River, a popular location for water sports such as fishing and water skiing, provides a picturesque setting for picnics and relaxation. The area is surrounded by state forests, offering opportunities for activities like bushwalking, mountain biking, and four-wheel driving. Additionally, visitors can enjoy camping, kayaking, and rock hopping in the streams and creeks.

For those interested in more structured activities, there are options such as Stoney Aqua Park, Mid North Coast Paintball, and Wake2Wake Board School. The village also offers a rural retreat for birdwatching and a chance to experience the local country pub and friendly community.

If you're a fan of outdoor activities, Telegraph Point is the place for you. From water sports on the Wilson River to exploring the surrounding state forests, there's something for everyone.