Wannon tourist attractions

Wannon, Victoria, is a destination that offers a range of natural and cultural attractions. One of the main highlights is Wannon Falls, a picturesque waterfall fed by the Wannon River. Located just west of Hamilton in western Victoria, this waterfall is known for its 30-meter-tall flow into a large pool. Visitors can learn about the local flora, fauna, and Koori history while enjoying the beauty of the falls. Another notable attraction in the area is Nigretta Falls, which is also worth a visit.

Aside from the waterfalls, Wannon is renowned for its natural beauty. The Wannon River provides a tranquil setting for nature enthusiasts to explore. Additionally, the region's proximity to the Grampians National Park makes it an ideal base for outdoor activities such as bushwalking, hiking, and camping. The park is known for its sandstone peaks, native wildlife, and stunning landscapes.

For those interested in cultural and historical experiences, Wannon offers attractions such as Campe's Motor Museum and the Peter Francis Points Arboretum. These places provide insights into the local heritage and cater to specialized interests.

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