Moyne breweries in region

The Moyne Shire Taste Trail in Victoria takes visitors on a delightful journey through the picturesque landscapes of the Moyne Region, showcasing a selection of vineyards, breweries, shops, and farms. Among these destinations, Noodledoof Brewing and Distilling Co. in Koroit stands out for its commitment to producing high-quality craft beers using locally sourced ingredients and innovative techniques. Founded by friends Noodles and Doof, the brewery aims to create exciting, approachable, and adventurous brews that reflect the changing seasons, allowing for experimentation with various recipes throughout the year. Noodledoof also collaborates with the local Aboriginal Corporation, Worn Gundidj, to infuse native botanicals into their range of gins, enhancing the uniqueness of their products.

Suffoir Winery, Brewery and Distillery in Macarthur is another noteworthy stop on the Moyne Shire Taste Trail, offering visitors a diverse tasting experience by combining wine production, brewing, and distilling under one roof. With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, Suffoir incorporates renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly practices in its operations, providing a responsible and enjoyable drinking option for conscientious consumers. Both Noodledoof Brewing and Distilling Co. and Suffoir Winery, Brewery and Distillery exemplify the creativity and dedication of local brewers, delivering exceptional craft beer experiences to visitors while showcasing unique approaches to brewing and distilling.

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