Coral Coast distilleries

Nestled along the stunning coastline of Western Australia, a collection of exceptional distilleries showcases the region's rich terroir and commitment to craftsmanship. The globally recognized Limeburners whisky distillery utilizes locally sourced grains, limestone aquifer water, and hand-collected peat to create distinctively flavorful spirits. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, tastings, and even create their own custom gin at the inviting cellar door.

Further north in Geraldton, the first on-premises distillery, 30 Knots Distillery, produces unique small-batch spirits inspired by their coastal location. This distillery offers innovative concoctions that provide visitors with a true taste of the region.

Beyond these standout destinations, Western Australia offers numerous opportunities to explore local breweries and distilleries. From the lush landscapes of Bridgetown to the vibrant cultural scene in Perth, establishments dedicated to crafting exceptional libations abound. in the heart of the Coral Coast produces award-winning rums and spirits that reflect the area's diverse ecosystem and laidback atmosphere. Discover these hidden gems and embark on a sensory journey like no other.

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