Burnie museums

The Burnie Region in Tasmania is home to the Burnie Regional Museum, which offers a fascinating glimpse into the area's rich history. The museum's main attraction is Federation Street, a charming recreated street that showcases how ordinary people lived more than 100 years ago. Visitors can explore various rooms filled with personal memorabilia and tools of the trade, providing insights into the lifestyles and aspirations of the early settlers. Some of the highlights include a general store, saddler and boot maker's shop, blacksmith's forge, printer, photographer, and even a dentist. Each store represents an actual business that once existed in Burnie.

The Burnie Regional Museum also features exhibits on early exploration, the exploits of the Van Diemen's Land Company, and the events that led to Burnie's first economic boom at the turn of the 20th century. The museum actively welcomes people with access needs and is a great indoor activity for tourists, visitors, locals, and families. The museum's collections represent the history of Burnie and the surrounding North West region, with some objects on display coming from the private museum of Peter Grenville Mercer, OAM, AMAA, who was the Director of the Pioneer Village Museum between 1970 and 1975. The Friends of the Museum volunteers also contribute to the upkeep and operation of the Federation Street exhibit, which is open Wednesday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.

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