Pemberton museums

Pemberton, Western Australia, is renowned for its vibrant art scene, complemented by a rich offering of good food, wine, and trails. The area houses an active artistic community spanning Pemberton, Northcliffe, and beyond. Museums and galleries in Pemberton showcase local artwork, fine woodcraft, and design. Notable attractions include the Northcliffe Pioneer Museum, featuring an extensive display of Group Settlement history, and the George Gardner Rock and Fossil Collection in Northcliffe, showcasing various rocks and fossils. The Gold N Grape Gallery exhibits locally crafted furniture made from the region's timbers and fine works of art by nationally acclaimed artists. Moreover, the Mountford Gallery, open on specific days, showcases a diverse array of artwork.

Beyond these establishments, Pemberton regularly hosts exhibitions by the Pemberton Art Group and Southern Forests Photography Group, fostering a strong arts culture that supports emerging artists and diverse artistic disciplines.

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