Upper Lachlan museums

The Upper Lachlan Region in New South Wales is home to several museums that showcase the rich history and charm of the area. Some of the notable museums include the Taralga Historical Society Museum, which houses rare pieces of machinery used in the wool and shearing industry, dairy industry, and tools used by blacksmiths. It features a settlers' cottage, shearing shed, blacksmith complex, and a colonial-style cottage furnished with period furniture. Another museum in the region is the Pye Cottage Museum, located in Gunning. This museum is an original settler's slab hut built in 1860 and offers a glimpse into the historic pioneering days, being one of the last of its kind in the district.

These museums provide an excellent opportunity for visitors to learn about the region's history, culture, and the lives of early settlers. Visitors can take a step back in time and explore the various documents, artifacts, and historically significant buildings that make the Upper Lachlan Region a unique and fascinating destination for travelers.

Upper Lachlan  museums - Localista

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