Canterbury natural history museums

Christchurch and the Canterbury region in New Zealand are home to several natural history museums that showcase the diverse cultural and natural history of the area. The Canterbury Museum, located in the central city of Christchurch, is a prominent institution with a wide range of internationally recognized exhibitions. Some of the highlights include displays on Antarctica, contemporary costumes, New Zealand avifauna (including extinct species), insects, the history of conflicts between the Maori and Europeans in the Canterbury region, ornamental art from Asia, and Canterbury's natural history. The museum also hosts various events and exhibitions, such as "Bugs in Your Backyard," which highlights the tiny world of insects in your backyard. Additionally, the museum offers workshops and classes, such as insect drawing classes, where participants can learn to draw with artist Sharnae Beardsley.

While the Rolleston Avenue site of the Canterbury Museum is closed for redevelopment, a pop-up museum at 66 Gloucester Street is open to visitors from mid-2023. The museum's online presence allows visitors to continue exploring its collections and stay updated on the redevelopment journey.

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