Grant private tours

The Grant Region in South Australia offers a variety of private tour options, showcasing the area's natural beauty and unique experiences. These tours are designed to immerse visitors in the region's diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultural heritage. Some notable private tour operators and experiences in the region include Research & Discovery Coastal Tours Kangaroo Island (RAD KI), which offers personalized land and sea-based eco-tours focusing on conservation efforts and immersive experiences in the region's vulnerable and endangered species. RAD KI recently received a grant from the State Government through the South Australian Tourism Commission to introduce a two-day eco-tour.

Australian Private Tours & Charters and SA Eco Tours are operators that provide refurbished touring vehicles to increase passenger capacity and offer tours with a focus on marketing and content creation. They cover multiple regions, including the Adelaide Hills, Eyre Peninsula, Fleurieu Peninsula, Flinders Ranges & Outback, Murray River Lakes & Coorong, and Riverland. Additionally, walking tours in national parks are supported by the Experience Nature Tourism Fund, showcasing South Australia's commitment to promoting its natural landscapes and attracting both domestic and international visitors.

Funded projects offer camel treks in the outback surrounding Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre, providing a unique and intimate experience with the region's natural environment. Aboriginal cultural tours are also part of the funded projects, giving visitors the opportunity to learn about and connect with the region's rich cultural heritage. These private tours are supported by the South Australian government's commitment to enhancing nature tourism in the region, with the Experience Nature Tourism Fund allocating over $464,000 in grants. The funded projects span various regions of South Australia, including the Adelaide Hills, Eyre Peninsula, Fleurieu Peninsula, Flinders Ranges & Outback, Kangaroo Island, Limestone Coast, Murray River Lakes & Coorong, and Yorke Peninsula.

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