Roper Gulf resort hotels

Roper Gulf, located in the Northern Territory of Australia, offers a variety of accommodation options for travelers. While there are not many resort hotels in the area, there are several hotels, motels, and other lodging options to choose from. One of the top resort hotels in Roper Gulf is Mataranka Homestead Tourist Resort, situated at 642 Homestead Road, providing a comfortable stay for guests exploring the region. Other popular hotels in the area include Cicada Lodge, Nitmiluk Chalets, Lorella Springs Wilderness Park, and Territory Manor Motel & Caravan Park.

For those seeking more budget-friendly options, there are several motels in the Roper Gulf region, such as Jabiru Motel, Lee's Motel, and Katherine Motel. Alternatively, travelers can consider staying in apartments or camping at one of the many campgrounds in the area, such as Leliyn (Edith Falls) campground, Florence Falls campground, and Gunlom campground. From resorts and hotels to motels, apartments, and campgrounds, travelers can find the perfect stay for their adventure in the Northern Territory.