Arthurs Point restaurants

The area is renowned for its gourmet offerings, including local wines, craft beers, and fresh produce. One standout establishment in Arthurs Point is Canyon Brewing, known for its variety of dishes paired with house-brewed beers. Visitors can also enjoy English high teas, BBQ sessions, and relaxing soaks at the Onsen Hot Pool spa with panoramic views.

In Queenstown, a diverse range of dining options awaits exploration, from casual Kiwi fare at places like the Fork & Tap to seasonal tapas and cocktails at La Rumbla. Wine enthusiasts can sample over 80 New Zealand wines, including Central Otago pinot noir varieties, at The Winery on Ramshaw Lane. Local chefs draw inspiration from Italian cooking techniques and ingredients at Aosta, while Mora Wines & Artisan Kitchen offers a laid-back setting for enjoying honest, comforting, and social food.

Arrowtown, accessible by a short bus ride or 25-minute drive from Queenstown, is a destination known for its historic charm and culinary delights. Rustic and fine dining establishments in Arrowtown serve dishes like slow-cooked brisket at The Dishery and unique Polynesian fusion cuisine at Blue Kanu. Additionally, Arrowtown is home to Rifters Gin, a small-batch boutique gin crafted with New Zealand-sourced ingredients.