Boulder restaurants

Boulder, Western Australia offers a diverse food and drink scene, with options ranging from local breweries to international cuisine. The Beaten Track Brewery is a small microbrewery in the region known for its unique artisan-brewed ales. For traditional Australian fare, Alby's Bar and Bistro in Kalgoorlie is a popular choice, especially for their steaks. Sheffields Bar & Restaurant offers takeaways and home deliveries for their pizzas, while Carriages Restaurant at the Quality Inn Railway Motel and Function Centre is known for its quality facilities and service. Mid-range dining options in the area include The Balcony Restaurant, Eucla Motel, Kalgoorlie Hotel, Kambalda Hotel, Loose Goose Bar And Restaurant, Wickepin Hotel, Harvest Cafe, and Woodanilling Tavern.

For drinks, the Goldfields Arts Centre hosts live shows, conferences, and exhibitions, often featuring locally produced beverages.