Collingwood restaurants

Collingwood, Victoria, boasts a vibrant food and drink scene catering to various tastes and preferences. The culinary landscape features a mix of charming local eateries, upscale restaurants, cafés, and bakeries offering casual bites and fine dining experiences. Notable establishments like The Tremont Café are known for their Mediterranean-influenced menus and diverse offerings. The town also hosts award-winning local chefs who use fresh, locally sourced ingredients to highlight the unique flavors of the region.

Beyond meals, Collingwood and The Blue Mountains are home to acclaimed breweries and cideries such as The Collingwood Brewery, Duntroon Cyder House & Farm, and Creemore Springs, which provide tastings and tours for visitors. The region also boasts wineries like Georgian Hills Vineyards, offering opportunities to explore different varieties and styles. Visitors can enjoy a range of culinary delights, from casual fare to sophisticated dining, and refreshing beverages from renowned breweries and vineyards.

Food & drink

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