Haines restaurants

Nestled in the heart of Adelaide, Hains & Co has established itself as a beloved watering hole among locals and visitors alike. This hidden gem boasts an electric energy and eclectic venue, making it the perfect spot to unwind with expertly blended cocktails and a lively atmosphere. The venue consistently delivers top-notch cocktails and exceptional service, ensuring an unforgettable experience for patrons seeking a memorable night out.

For those looking to explore further, the dining scene on nearby Kangaroo Island offers a unique culinary adventure. With its pristine coastlines and rich natural resources, the island's food culture revolves around locally sourced produce and fresh seafood. From progressive long lunches under ancient fig trees to feasting on oysters plucked straight from the ocean, Kangaroo Island provides a laid-back dining experience that showcases the best of South Australia's regional flavors. These venues offer an authentic taste of island life, allowing visitors to connect with nature while indulging in delicious dishes crafted by talented chefs who celebrate the region's unique ingredients.