Oberon-Town restaurants

The Blue Mountains region of New South Wales, Australia, is known for its diverse food and drink offerings that cater to various tastes and dietary preferences. Visitors can enjoy exploring charming villages, sampling local produce, and trying innovative culinary creations amidst stunning landscapes. One highlight is Blackheath, where Arrana offers two degustation menus inspired by the Blue Mountains scenery, featuring dishes like emu with rhubarb and Douglas fir with sunflower.

In Leura, the Garage Cafe is known for its sustainable practices and locally sourced meals prepared with care. Katoomba's Bowery restaurant brings Modern Australian cuisine to a historic building, offering a diverse menu that caters to both plant-based and meat-loving diners. Zoe's in Katoomba serves up Mexican favorites like fish and beef brisket tacos alongside refreshing margaritas and mezcal-based cocktails.

Wine enthusiasts can explore the region's numerous wineries and vineyards, which produce high-quality varietals like Megalong Valley wines. Dishes featuring wines such as Darragh Chardonnay and Shiraz are commonly found on restaurant menus in the Blue Mountains. Visitors can also take part in food and drink tours or cooking classes to fully experience the local culinary scene. When in Oberon and the surrounding area, a visit to Mayfield Garden, just 11 km from town, offers a chance to explore expansive garden landscapes ideal for a leisurely stroll.