Ottoway restaurants

The town of Otway, located in South Australia, boasts a diverse food and drink scene that mirrors its multicultural population and abundant natural resources. This region's distinct flavors are a result of its unique combination of aspect, soils, climate, and farming practices. The Otway Harvest Trail, a scenic driving route through the picturesque Otway Ranges, showcases local businesses offering a wide array of food produce, wine, gourmet products, accommodations, dining options, and more. Visitors can treat themselves to a variety of culinary delights, including fine Otway Ranges artisan products, providores, and passionate culinary experts who champion local produce. Furthermore, the area is home to numerous breweries and wineries, markets and farm gates, as well as dining establishments like restaurants and cafes.

For those looking to experience authentic Australian cuisine, traditional dishes such as kangaroo meat are readily available at many restaurant menus and supermarkets in Otway. Seafood is another local staple, with an abundance of over 600 marine and freshwater species to choose from. While barbecuing is a beloved pastime in Australia, the common stereotype of cooking shrimp on the barbie is not entirely accurate. In recent years, there has been a growing incorporation of native foods, known as "bush tucker," into Australian cuisine, featuring ingredients like bush tomatoes, seeds, nuts, lemon myrtle, and fungi. This culinary diversity adds a unique and flavorful dimension to the food offerings in the region, highlighting the rich tapestry of flavors that can be found in Otway.