Southland South Coast restaurants

Known for its high-quality lamb and beef production, the area also offers a variety of "wild food" like venison, blue cod, and shellfish. Local culinary traditions are celebrated, allowing visitors to savor delicacies such as Bluff oysters, whitebait fritters, paua patties, Southland swedes, and the iconic cheese rolls. The region's multicultural influences bring a diverse range of international flavors, including options like sushi bowls, dumplings, wild hare, river-run trout, salmon, and whitebait.

For coffee enthusiasts, Southland's local cafes serve freshly roasted brews from artisan coffee roasters. During the summer season when berry farms are open, it's a must-try experience to indulge in real fruit ice cream. The region offers a blend of traditional and modern culinary experiences, making it a delightful destination for food lovers seeking a taste of Southland's unique and diverse gastronomic offerings.