Torquay restaurants

Torquay, located on the English Riviera in South Devon, is known for its vibrant food and drink scene. Fresh seafood, sourced locally, is a highlight in the region, with chefs utilizing these ingredients to create gourmet dishes that reflect the area's culinary expertise. For those craving international flavors, Torquay offers diverse options such as Mexican, Indian, and Latin cuisine, with popular spots like Las Iguanas in the upscale Abbey Sands area. Traditional favorites like fish and chips can be savored with a sea view at renowned locations like Rockfish Brixham and Hanbury's Fish and Chips. Celebrity chefs like Simon Hulstone and Mitch Tonks have also left their mark on the local food scene, highlighting the freshness of catches from nearby markets in their restaurants.

Apart from its culinary delights, Torquay boasts a bustling nightlife with over 100 pubs and bars across Torbay. Many of these establishments offer panoramic sea views and serve locally produced beverages like Bays Brewery beer and Hunts Cider. Visitors can also explore local farm shops for seasonal produce and enjoy excellent wine pairings at Sharpham Vineyard to complement their dining experience in Torquay.

Food & drink

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