Ward restaurants

The food and drink scene in Ward, New Zealand, offers a rich blend of historical charm and contemporary innovation. With a focus on locally sourced produce and traditional recipes, establishments like The Gables in Russell, the oldest operating restaurant in New Zealand, provide a glimpse into the nation's culinary heritage. Here, diners can enjoy dishes accompanied by brews reminiscent of the early days of the Anchor brand, while taking in the surroundings of a building steeped in history.

For those seeking a modern culinary adventure, Ward Village in Honolulu hosts events like the Pacific Plate, which brings together renowned chefs from around the country to create unique six-course meals using regional ingredients. These collaborative efforts showcase the diversity and creativity within the Hawaiian food scene.

In addition to these exceptional dining experiences, Ward offers an array of options that cater to various tastes and preferences. From fine dining establishments like Clyde Olivers Restaurant, which serves as a nod to the gold rush era, to casual cafes and bars such as Union Square and Bootleg Brewery, there is something for everyone. These venues not only provide delicious food but also serve as gathering places where locals and travelers can connect over shared meals and conversations.

Furthermore, Ward is home to several historic hotels like the Duke of Marlborough Hotel in Russell and Royal Hotel Naseby, both of which boast rich histories dating back to the mid-1800s. These establishments offer not only comfortable accommodations but also authentic dining experiences that transport guests back in time.