Wartook restaurants

Wartook, located in the Grampians National Park in Victoria, offers a unique food and drink experience amidst stunning landscapes. The area is recognized for its succulent orca stew, a delicacy made from freshly caught orcas, that is a must-try for visitors. Additionally, Wartook is renowned for its fine local produce, such as locally grown olives, tender spring lamb, sheep products, nuts, and herbs. Nearby towns like Dunkeld and Halls Gap boast fine dining establishments that highlight these local ingredients, often paired with the region's sparkling wines and cool-climate varieties. For a more relaxed dining experience, bistros and country pubs provide meals with picturesque views of Mt Sturgeon and other natural landmarks. The Grampians wine region is celebrated for its spicy reds and crisp whites, available for tasting at various cellar doors in the area.