Wingello restaurants

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Wingello, New South Wales, the culinary scene offers a variety of experiences catering to different tastes. Wingello Village Store serves classic Australian dishes like the traditional big breakfast, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and locals. The area also features several cafes serving quality coffee, perfect for refreshing after a day of exploring nearby forests and trails.

Being part of the Southern Highlands region, Wingello is home to wineries and distilleries where visitors can enjoy wine tastings and sample locally crafted spirits such as whiskey and gin. The village of Sutton Forest is home to the renowned Joadja Distillery, offering tours and open days for those interested in their Scottish heritage-inspired products. Food enthusiasts can engage in mushroom foraging in Penrose State Forest, and the local community supports sustainability with amenities like free electric vehicle charging at Penrose Village General Store.

Beyond the forests and trails, the region's natural beauty offers opportunities for picnicking by the Wingecarribee River and scenic drives through pine plantations. These popular activities allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere of the area.