Wye River restaurants

The food and drink scene in Wye River, Victoria, offers visitors a delightful culinary adventure along the Great Ocean Road. With its stunning coastal views and relaxed atmosphere, Wye River provides a range of dining options featuring fresh local produce and independent producers. One notable establishment is the Wye Beach Hotel, which offers breathtaking ocean vistas and an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients. The hotel boasts a diverse menu, including seafood dishes, vegetarian options, and classic Australian fare. The bar features an extensive selection of wines, craft beers, and cocktails, making it an ideal spot for a casual meal or a refreshing drink by the beach.

In addition to the Wye Beach Hotel, there are several other restaurants scattered throughout the town, offering various cuisine types and dining experiences. Visitors can find everything from casual cafes to fine dining establishments, each showcasing the region's rich culinary heritage and fresh produce.