Kentish safaris

The Kentish Region in Tasmania is a haven for travelers seeking immersive nature experiences, offering a variety of safari and outdoor adventure opportunities. One of the top attractions in the area is North West Safaris Tasmania, which provides guided kayak tours, mountain bike hire, and shuttle services for exploring Tasmania's stunning landscapes.

Sheffield, known for its warm climate, is home to the Kentish Museum and serves as a gateway to the Mount Roland Conservation Area and Regional Reserve. Hikers can challenge themselves on the 1,234-meter-tall Mount Roland while exploring the town's historical sites.

For those looking for a more luxurious experience, the region offers options such as Cradle Mountain Lodge and Saffire Freycinet, providing boutique stays, fine dining, and tailored experiences. Glamping on the Derwent Riverfront is another unique option, with spacious safari tents, deluxe beds, and ensuite bathrooms with handmade wooden bathtubs available for a luxurious camping experience.

With its diverse range of safari options, outdoor activities, and luxurious accommodations, the Kentish Region is the perfect destination for travelers wanting to immerse themselves in Tasmania's natural beauty.

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