Devonport segway tours

Explore the beauty of the Devonport region in Tasmania through a unique and exciting Segway tour that offers a mix of urban and natural landscapes. The Devonport Segway Tour takes you on a journey along the city's waterfront, showcasing the picturesque shoreline and vibrant parks while providing stunning views of the Mersey River and a lively atmosphere.

For a more adventurous experience, the Segway Park Tour allows you to escape the city and immerse yourself in nature by exploring the scenic parklands around Devonport, offering lush green spaces and tranquil surroundings. Both tours are guided by knowledgeable guides who provide commentary on local history and points of interest, ensuring an enjoyable and informative experience.

These tours cater to families and individuals visiting the Devonport region, offering a unique and memorable way to explore this beautiful part of Tasmania with the help of sturdy and compact Segways that are perfect for navigating diverse terrains.

Explore the region