Yarra silo artwork

The Silo Art Galleries in Yarra, Victoria, are part of the North East Victoria Silo Art Trail, a unique road trip through small towns like Goorambat, Devenish, Tungamah, St James, and the Winton Wetlands. Renowned street artists like Guido Van Helten, Sobrane, Cam Scale, Adnate, Dvate, and Tim Bowtell have created large-scale artworks along this trail, offering visitors a different way to experience art outside traditional galleries.

This approximately 2-hour trail starts and ends in Benalla, about 2.5 hours from Melbourne. Along the way, visitors can appreciate the grain silos adorned with Jimmy Dvate's artwork in Goorambat and Sobrane Simcock's pieces in Tungamah. Sobrane Simcock was the first Australian female street artist to contribute to silo art, painting Brolgas and a Kookaburra on the Tungamah Silos in 2018.

Another notable Silo Art Trail in Victoria is the Wimmera Mallee region's trail, spanning over 200 km and connecting eight sites with massive painted silos. These art trails have garnered international attention, breathing new life into the towns and attracting numerous visitors to the region. For travelers seeking a distinctive and captivating art experience amid the Australian outdoors, the Silo Art Trails are a recommended destination.

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